Thread: Kelloggs cards?
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Old 05-24-2022, 01:20 PM
sealmark2 sealmark2 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 143
Default Kelloggs Cards

My story about the 1975 set. That year an employee of Kellogs gave me a 30 gallon drum of the cards in their original paper wrapping. Like a dummy I opened every one of them.

The long and short of it is that while I somehow salvaged quite a few and still have most of the set a large box of perhaps 2000 (a guess) completely curled and cracked. A year ago we decided there was no use keeping them and my son took them to his work dumpster.

One side note is that I put away many of the star cards in a small box and they have remained crack and curl free.

I have all of the other Kellogg sets put away and have not looked at them in years but believe they are still in great condition. Will find out some day I guess.
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