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Old 04-09-2020, 08:48 PM
droid714 droid714 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Northeast Ohio
Posts: 37
Default Question about 1962 Salada Coins

As most Salada collectors have probably noticed, the first 180 coins are made up of 10 coins for each of the 18 existing teams. After the NL expanded by two teams in 1962, Salada issued an additional 20 coins, again 10 for each of the new expansion teams.

The original 180 coins contains some pose variations and color variations, such as red or white buttons or light or dark blue piping. Also, some of the players pictured in the original 180 retired, changed teams or positions.

When Salada printed the new coins for the two expansion teams, they also took the opportunity to correct the colors and the team and position changes. In the price guides, these variations are designated "A" or "B" and in a couple of instances even "C". The also added an additional 21 coins not included in the original issue.

What you may not have noticed is that the 10 coins that comprise each team consist of one player for each of the eight position players and two pitchers. After the later printing that included the corrections and the new cards, each team still ended up with one coin for each of the eight position players and two pitchers.

My question is do the "A" and "B" designations actually represent the order they were printed in, or were they just assigned at random?

For example, 37A Dick Brown Dark Blue Piping vs. 37B Dick Brown Light Blue Piping. Was the dark blue piping actually printed first before the light blue piping?

More to come.

Last edited by droid714; 04-19-2020 at 08:12 AM.
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