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Old 08-16-2021, 12:00 PM
hcv123 hcv123 is offline
Howard Chasser
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Default I stand corrected

Originally Posted by AustinMike View Post
The registry can have a significant impact on the "value" of items. The New York Yankees issued photos of the team from probably the mid '50s to the early '70s. Some of these team photos include Mickey Mantle (1968 and before). In addition, the team issued photos of Mantle with a brief bio starting around 1963 and continued beyond his retirement. These photos were a single page and folded in three to mail in envelopes (hence sometimes they are called tri-folds). I was able to pick up a few of these for between $12.50 to $32.50 prior to late 2020. Then, they were added to the PSA Mantle registry. I have heard that some these tri-folds were sold for around $300 a piece to people on the Mantle registry. I have only seen a few come on eBay since then. I got a team photo with a BIN late at night and paid for it and had my offer accepted on another team photo from the same seller but was never was asked to pay. In the morning I got an email saying that they'd spilled coffee on both of the team photos and had my money refunded for the one I paid for. I requested photos of the ruined photos and never got them. I know the seller had heard from someone else about the photos because she told me she had. I figured they must have made a higher offer and she took it.

So yes, the registry does result in higher prices and there is competition.

In the case of the addition of items to player registry sets, vs. those items not being included as Mike shared - my experience is the same as his - some incredible price spikes with registry inclusion.
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