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Old 06-25-2022, 12:53 PM
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BobbyStrawberry BobbyStrawberry is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark17 View Post
You said:

Why? Aren't "rich old men" fair? Are women, or poor, young men, more fair? Assigning people into groups based on age, gender, race, or any other such attribute, and then painting that entire group and everyone in it with a broad brush, is sexism, or ageism, or racism, or just plain prejudice and bigotry.

You are making a derogatory comment about a certain age and gender group. If you don't like a decision made by a Neil Gorsuch or Sam Alito, try punching a hole in their argument. But why bring age and gender into it, as though those things are relevant?
I'm not sure why you keep referencing specific supreme court justices. My comment is not a criticism of any particular individuals nor of their work/beliefs/views. "Fairness" has nothing to do with it either.

You are free to disagree, but my view is that America would be a better place if decisions were more often made by people and groups comprising a more diverse range of (to quote you) "ages, genders, races" as well as other orientations/experiences.

If you are perfectly happy and satisfied with the state of America, then I can understand your not wanting to change anything in this regard.
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