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Old 01-28-2023, 10:49 AM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
Posts: 3,275

Originally Posted by Belfast1933 View Post
Sorry Bob! I thought your suggestions were tongue in cheek… now I get it! Set up a fake briefcase of $$ and a faux security guard.

I read your post too quickly - it actually sounds pretty funny (and could be effective, especially if I did this multiple times AND landed a few bigger deals this way to legitimize the gag set up.

I’ll have to think about whether I am up for that… but it is a clever idea. Again, sorry… I thought you were goofing with me. Apologies!

No problem, but I was being very serious. and also serious about the things to be careful about if you do use real money. There are always stories of theft in the hobby, and if you are hauling around a lot of actual cash, you do need to be VERY CAREFUL as well.

But people seeing a lot of cash gets them excited. There is no replacement for greed and the desire of many people who think they can get their hands on some. And again, you'll be lucky to get a lot of legit items/collections you may be offered for sale as many people will try to get their hands on your cash, all the while thinking their stuff is worth way more than it actually is. So, in addition to being extremely patient and waiting for those actual good items/collections being offered, you also have to be an extremely good judge of a very diverse amount of stuff you'll likely be shown so as to be able to recognize the actual good items/collections you'll end up looking at, and you'll also have to be very dedicated to follow a strict regimen to properly assess and appraise those items/collections as accurately and conservatively as possible. If you honestly don't know the true value of many items/collections you're being shown, you may want to think twice about even starting to do something like this. Always remember the old adage, you actually make your money when you buy items, not when you sell them!

Last edited by BobC; 01-28-2023 at 10:52 AM.
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