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Old 08-28-2014, 08:13 PM
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Steven Finley
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Nashville, Tn
Posts: 1,465

Originally Posted by Econteachert205 View Post
Having never submitted cards I can't imagine the stress. Here's my idea, why doesn't psa or sgc create a mobile grading system where they can come to your house and grade cards for a premium? They could do it privately from a van with all the necessary technology inside. You would make an appointment. This obviously wouldn't work everywhere but regionally could.
PSA used to do this. During one such call to my house their van was parked in the street for an excessive time. My neighbor became concerned and gave me a ring. "I'm just paying some specialists to look at my baseball cards, tell me how good they are, and protect them for me." He was confused by the matter but believed my story even though his wife was sure we were doing drugs or something. Long story short some neighborhood kids walked by and asked what was up and we said "looking at baseball cards." The neighbor's wife freaked, SWAT showed up, and Joe Orlando spent the next two hours in cuffs beside me trying to explain that he "wasn't the dude from 'Girls Gone Wild'." None of cards graded high (go figure), the Miller's will no longer attend our BBQ's, and PSA discountinued the service. I apologize for the inconvience I have cause.

Editors note: None of that really happened.
Always looking for rare Tommy Bridges items.

Last edited by sbfinley; 08-28-2014 at 08:15 PM.
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