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Old 01-29-2023, 11:06 PM
Topnotchsy Topnotchsy is offline
Jeff Lazarus
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 1,078
Default Asking an aution house to amend an LOA

I was wondering whether anyone had experience asking an auction house to amend the LOA they provided for an item.

As some of you may have seen from my post on the Ripken record setting streak lineup card, I got a collection of lineup cards which were purported to be for 'internal use' and not assumed to have been hanging in the dugout.

I have been able to photomatch/videomatch two of the most significant lineup cards (the record setting game and the final game of the season which was Lou Whitaker and Sparky Anderson's final game) and confirm they were used in the games.

The LOA from Hunt Auctions is signed by Chuck Cottier's wife, and the item description on the LOA is the writeup they had in the auction listing (which made the assumption that they were for internal use.)

It is clear from the language that this was not based on specific statements from Chuck Cottier or his wife. (My guess, though it is only a guess, is that Chuck is not in a position to be offering his recollections, possibly based on age [he is 87], and the family submitted the items for auction).

I was thinking of submitting the evidence to Hunt Auctions and asking them if they would amend the LOA, since it misrepreents the items. I am worried if I looked to move some of the items in the collection (it was a lot of over 50 lineup cards), some people will see the write-up and not be interested (whether it be the person who buys it from me, or someone who is looking to buy it down the line from whoever acquires it from me).

If anyone has gone down this road, I'd appreciate any insights.

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