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Old 05-31-2022, 10:49 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
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Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth View Post
Some serious black or white, or maybe it's all or nothing, thinking there. Most issues in life are not all or nothing, they are nuanced and complicated. And btw what gives you the moral authority to decide who is "truly" pro-life and who is just lying to himself and others?
Gee Peter, I just answered your question that you asked me, and gave you my opinion. And now you're going to call me out for giving my opinion? Thanks! I wasn't personally going after you, or anyone else, just stating some simple truths.

You and your "friend" are now calling me an extremist and claim I'm acting like a "moral authority" for mentioning what the term Pro-life means to me, and how I feel people who claim to be Pro-life, but then have exceptions to that in regards to say the death penalty, or allowing abortions for rape or when the Mother's life is at stake, are rationalizing and are not truly Pro-life in all instances after all. And that was why I used the example of the vegetarian/vegan, to add context to what I was saying, and why and where my thinking was coming from. But that was totally ignored apparently, probably because it didn't prove your point and/or fit with the narrative of what you and your friend wanted it to be.

And talk about being an absolutist in regards to something, who gave you and G1911 the right to apparently decide for everyone on the planet that Pro-life always refers to just abortions and the abortion issue? It does not mean just that to me, and I wouldn't be too surprised if it means quite a bit more than what you two are making it out to be to quite a lot of other people as well. But you two obviously speak for everyone else on the planet, right? Or so you both seem to think.

My original post in this thread was about how all the statements about gun control, what to do, who's to blame, how to fix things, etc., in regards to these mass shootings and such, all seemed to be nothing more than band-aids to treat the symptoms, and were not focusing on the actual root problems and issues. And absolutely no one made a comment or gave an opinion on that, despite it likely being one of the most relevant, and honest posts, in this thread regarding guns and the gun issues, and what we should really be talking about and doing hopefully stop all the violence and shootings. Instead, you and your buddy decide to take issue with the final observation I made regarding abortions, since someone else had already brought it up, and how I found it somewhat hypocritical that a lot of the states with the death penalty were also arguing for more anti-abortion restrictions, yet considered themselves Pro-life proponents.

I don't give a rat's ass what you two think Pro-life means or stands for, but I'll damned if you two are going to shove your interpretation and thinking of that down my throat as the be-all, end-all understanding of what that phrase's meaning is to everyone else in the world. Especially since there is no final, exact, and agreed upon list of what exceptions are allowed for someone to feel it is okay to see/have someone killed/die, and yet still consider themselves a proponent of life. And as far as any of my comments possibly being ignorant G1911, the only ignorant thing I have done is waste my time responding to you two!

And as to my referring to people lying to themselves, you really want to argue with me and claim that most every human on this planet has not already at some point in time during their life, or at some point yet to come, rationalized something to themselves so they can feel good about whatever it was they did or decided? Like saying they're Pro-life, but agree with executing people in what they think are the right circumstances, or agreeing with abortions in certain situations. So you're basically just lying to yourself when you say you're Pro-life, but do so with rationalizing exceptions. And that is being hypocritical to yourself, claiming to be something you aren't completely. And if you two want to claim that you've never rationalized something for yourselves, and therefore never lied to yourselves, then I know you're both lying, so just go sit down somewhere and quit bothering me and turning this thread into something it wasn't originally intended to be!
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