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Old 03-13-2023, 02:17 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
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Originally Posted by Section103 View Post
Taking this in a slightly different direction - at some point the junk era - whatever that might be exactly - will need to be considered vintage. Seems foolish to have 70 year old cards considered modern. Pre-war vintage, post-war vintage, junk era vintage works fine.
Yup, exactly right. And that is why I think that the term "junk-vintage" or "junk wax era vintage" should still be used solely for the cards starting in the 80's and going into the 90's, and not be including anything before 1981 at all. The junk wax era is the junk was era.......period! And when it becomes old enough to be considered as "vintage", then, and only then, do you have your vintage junk wax era cards.

The real pertinent question should be how old does a card have to be to be considered as "vintage". Antiques are often thought of as being 100 years old or older, while vintage items are thought of more as being decades old. So, how many decades does it take to consider a baseball/sports card as vintage? The supposed start of the true junk wax era is now just hitting 40 years old. I think quite a few people would start considered something that old as vintage. Ot course, the end of the junk wax era is maybe only more like 25 years old, and possibly not as many would consider that old enough to be considered as vintage. Personally, I would think something 40-50 years could easily be considered as vintage. So, to me, the "vintage junk wax era" is going to end up being and include the exact same cards we've considered as being junk wax era cards all along, we're just waiting for those cards to be old enough to now be considered vintage as well.

I guess those of us older than 50 or so can now be referred to as "vintage collectors" as well, and I'm not referring to the type of cards/items we collect. LOL

Last edited by BobC; 03-13-2023 at 02:20 PM.
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