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Old 03-14-2022, 04:48 AM
tschock tschock is offline
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Originally Posted by AustinMike View Post
Good question, but I don't think the answer, which you've posted, gives us any idea regarding the effects of Covid on the US death rates. Although one would expect a larger increase in the growth rate between 2019 and 2020, I don't see that. It's interesting that the death rate growth declined pretty much every year between 2014 and 2021. It's also confusing that they have 2022 data in the list. We're only 2 months into the year and I'm surprised they would have anything for it. One obvious reason for a growth in the death rate is the aging population. But it's curious that there was a big jump in the growth rate between 2013 and 2014. What happened then?

I also need to point out that I left out a key word in my previous post. It should have read, "Tell that to the 1,670 people, on average, who died of Covid in the US every day for the last 28 days."
Here's a correction for you. They did NOT die "of COVID". They did WITH COVID. Just one of a number of ways that inaccurate information keeps getting pushed. And it is a valid distinction.

Do I get this from FOX News? No, from the CDC itself.
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