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Old 05-24-2006, 01:33 PM
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Default Ebay help/ A scam?

Posted By: drc

I regularly get 'supsicious activity' and 'account broached' email warnings from banks I don't have nor have ever had an account with. I told my mom not to worry about an email warning that her Citibank online account had been compromised, as she doesn't have a Citibank account and doesn't even have an online account with her own bank.

Also check to whom the suspicious email is addressed. A genuiune PayPal or eBay mail will addressed only to your account address. If your PayPal account is under, an email addressed to a different email or includes different emails (mass mailing) is a fake.

My guess is that less than 1 percent of PayPal, eBay and bank scam mails are adressed to your registered address and include your registered given name (Joe B. Smith Jr). In other words, over 99 percent of these scam emails can easily be identified as they are missing your registered given name and/or use the wrong email address. I have never received a pfishing email that uses my full real name. 'Hankron,' 'eBayUserNumber77 and 'Mrs Janice Wilscon' are pretty enough names, but they ain't mine. If I ever meet Janice, I'll let her know I got her email.

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