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Old 02-07-2017, 06:37 PM
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Originally Posted by HRBAKER View Post
Rigged? Then Kyle Shanahan must have been in on it too.
They were up 28-3 and got a bad case of tight ass.
I actually thought he attempted to play it pretty aggressively, going up top on 3rd and 1 (lead to sack fumble) in the 4th, and then throwing on 2nd and 11 from the 22 during the last drive, at which point a run, run, and FG would likely have sealed it. These ended up being their undoing, but lots of easy hindsight now. You always see people criticized for going the other way and playing it too safe, going 3 and out on no gain runs, and giving the ball right back. (Or kicking FGs on first down )

Apparently Ryan's primary target was wide open for a sure TD on that sack fumble too. Had Freeman been able to just chip and delay the rusher a split second, Ryan has time.

I will say as a Niner fan, I'm really looking forward to Shanahan next year. It'll be a few year process but am hoping our dipsh*t owner has learned his many lessons and will just let Shanahan and Lynch do their jobs.
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