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Old 03-06-2008, 02:56 PM
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Default Cornering the market on one card?

Posted By: Todd

certainly, demand is decreased by one with the release of every card. That is why the hoarder either needs to make his killing in the first few sales or hope that the number of collectors (demand) has increased so much over time that there will be competitive bidding all the way through the sales of his cards. BTW, I made at least one probably inaccurate assumption--that the economy stays the same. I believe that vintage cards have historically increased in value and will continue to do so; thus, the hoarder in general should receive a higher price than what he paid for each card (although I make no comment on the return vs. other investments nor do I account for inflation).

I recognize that not all or maybe even most hoarders are in it for the money, as there are other reasonable motivations in play as well.

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