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Old 02-01-2022, 06:24 PM
Johnphotoman Johnphotoman is offline
Join Date: Oct 2021
Posts: 45
Default Happy Now.

No. Not happy at all, it never was about what Type of photos 1,2 3,... I have,! But what kind of photos do I have. Where did they come from, who was the photographer, and more? This is all about the hunt, but I was trying to make a point...every expert I talked to, would say they are Type 3 and just blow me off.
It is like if they are not Type 1, they did not want to talk. Ok, all but one. But I have to say, he finally went there. If I ever do decide to sell, I want as much money as I can get. And that would mean Type 1. I would like to know what I have over if they are Type 1 or not. Yes, I have a very good idea, but I do not want to say on account I do not want to taint what others think, or even know. I believe it's what you like over Type 1,2 or 3.
But every conversation just pulls in what type there are, and not what they are. I would bet if I could prove to the experts that I have spoken to, that my collection is all Type 1...they would take more interest in them.
I started this research back in 1976/77...I want to tell you people were rude back then, many wouldn't even give you the time of day..Today there are many people who are willing to share their knowledge and be very happy to doing so. Thanks to all, John, Oh, and yes just for the record they are Type 1. At least what I know about them.

Last edited by Johnphotoman; 02-01-2022 at 06:32 PM. Reason: mage changes
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