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Old 02-02-2023, 11:53 AM
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BobbyStrawberry BobbyStrawberry is offline
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Originally Posted by chalupacollects View Post
A sad result of the defund the police movement. Memphis decided to defund the police not by cutting funding or budgets but by taking away the pensions/retirement accounts of the officers. Thus, hundreds of experienced officers retired leaving a serious leadership gap of experienced officers and supervisors. So basically, these guys were out on their own with little or no supervision. Now Memphis is currently down 700+ officers so you can see the plight and frustration of the police not to mention that Memphis is one of the worst cities in the USA in terms of crime statistics. Watching that video, these clowns were looking to give a beatdown to the first unlucky person they came across. Hopefully they get life terms in general pop...
Your first sentence has it backwards. The calls to "defund the police" were/are a response to a system that has failed to prevent events like this from happening over and over again.

The formation and publicization of "elite" units like SCORPION in Memphis (the members of which killed Nichols and which has now, thankfully, been disbanded) are short-sighted political acts intended to make it look like leaders are "tough on crime" - but the truth is that these teams are, as you say, inadequately supervised, typically attract the worst police officers, and disproportionately target residents of poor black neighborhoods. There is much evidence that these units (in Memphis and elsewhere) actually do more harm than good.
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