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Old 05-09-2009, 07:52 AM
wonkaticket wonkaticket is offline
J0hn McD@niel
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 2,668

Dan is correct Jim tied Chan to the 3 of these cards that we knew of. Our FBI agent based on the info above thatI provided tied Chan finally to the site and the fake double overprint and bogus Old Mill find.

Jim and I began talking after Dan put us together. In fact Jim and I had talked mulriple times about the site and these cards. Jim and Dan had hunches and gut feelings regarding Chan the site but we really had no hard evidence.

I have been curious about these from the first time I had seen one. I set out to win the REA example with hopes of proving once and for all these were legit or bogus as I thought. Luckly Jim, Dan and I rounded up on this. During our looking into this Rob Lifson and REA along with the owners of the Hart card allowed me to examine these cards in person. After reviewing the cards I had pretty solid evidence they were in fact bad enough. We also had enough evidence to send the FBI knocking.

Big props go out to the Agent I dont think anyone of us Dan, Jim or I expected it to be this final outcome. Another huge thank you goes out to the owners of the Hart card who willingly helped us debunk thier own investment, and who also kept me and the FBI in the loop. I know Dan, Jim and I are happy to say they at least have been made whole.

Great team effort by all.

Jim on than Chan connection, Dan with the hook up and Wonka with the proof then add a dash of Rob top it with a large amount of Agent Badass and all crooks better look out there's a new A-Team on the block..LOL

As for the Asian stereotypes I'm only quoting a classic 80's John Hughes film no offense needed to be taken, now if you don't mind as a Scot/Irish american I'm calling Fox about that damn Groundskeeper Willie!

Also it should be noted that SGC needs a pat on the back. SGC had the guts to say they were unsure and asked for outside help before letting this card slide thru the cracks. I was very impressed with that! So thanks to Rob and SGC for sending me the Revelle.

Last edited by wonkaticket; 05-09-2009 at 09:42 AM.