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Old 05-29-2008, 10:48 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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Default Iconic Memorabilia Auctions

Posted By: Jim T

First, understand that the collectors on this board are very knowledgable about cards from the 19th century to 1940 (many are experts) and they have seen all the various scams before. I am not suggesting that you were intentionally trying to scam anyone but it is an extremely common ebay practice to list reprints with vague disclaimers or downright deceiving descriptions. The skepticism on the part of board members has a lot to do with being fed up with seeing these daily scams perpetrated on unsuspecting buyers. It is bad for a hobby that we enjoy and care about.

I respect that you quickly removed the reprint cards from your listing and edited the listing for the other card. However, I expect someone running an auction for any kind of collectible would be knowledgable enough to identify common reprints and then use the standard hobby terminology in identifying them.

Again, don't be offended by our skepticism. Understand where it comes from and visit the board regularly. You could quickly become an expert with the wealth of knowledge that is shared on this board.


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