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Old 03-20-2012, 09:11 PM
Moonlight Graham Moonlight Graham is offline
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Originally Posted by danmckee View Post
3rd Party grading has hit an alltime low, these 2 cards are obviously hacked. You grading fanatics should see this nightmare and realize there is major problems with 3rd party grading.

I am shocked that the Scott I know would slab these 2 hack jobs.

What an embarrassment!

And to the double top secret chat board that has a field day on me where I can't defend myself, please tell me that the Piedmont 150 Plank that can only be hand cut and is blatantly hacked and the Magie that is blatantly hacked are properly graded??????????????????????????

3rd party grading is a CANCER AND A JOKE!


Dan Mckee
dan' i'm not really sure why you call 3rd party grading a joke. every card i own is professionally graded. i try to buy the best condition of dead ball era stars that i can afford and i worry about counterfeits. i'm not educated enough to tell the difference myself. i know there are a lot of inconsistencies in the actual grades but do you think they actually slab fakes? i'm not trying to be a wise guy but i would like to hear your point of view on this-maybe i can get a different insight because i am brainwashed to have all cards graded-thanks and i look forward to your response!
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