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Old 03-12-2012, 10:55 AM
Tomman1961 Tomman1961 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 276

Thanks to BatsBallBases, leading me to the correct paint color of my Yankee Stadium seats.
I picked up 3 attached Yankee seats. Free is a nice price to pay. Not only was 33% of the wood rotted, some castings were broken.They were disgusting!
I let them sit in my parents basement a few years. When My Dad retired and he had the time to restore them for me,(1990?) we came to the conclusion the only thing we could do was to make 3 into 2. Over 20 years later, I still belive that was the best decision thing to do. Someplace up here you may find my pictures of the 3 before-and the 2 after. Thing is, if the castings were good, I would have asked my dad to see if he could do the wood. But we had nothing to attached it to-the casting sides were that bad.
Whoever did BatsBallsBases wood slats is the way to go.
Paint-well,Maybe I should not have sanded them all down to bare wood. But I did.Again B-B-B told me the color codes, and I thank him once again.
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