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Old 02-20-2012, 11:22 AM
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Default a few thoughts

A few of my own thoughts. As Hankphenom said, the shows, to me, aren't about just selling and buying, it's the whole experience. I absolutely have as much or more fun after the show, just hanging out with hobby friends, having a few cocktails and dinner. If I buy or sell something at the show then that is the icing on the cake. But for me, the cake is the total experience of the show and all that surrounds it.

Also, there used to be more single, private sales of larger ticket cards. Nowadays barely anyone wants to buy something as a straight private sale. They want it to go to auction where they can either -

1. Hope to steal it (so to speak) for a very low price
2. Feel comfortable they aren't the only idiot willing to pay almost that much (as the underbidder is right there too) for an item.

I love shows and will definitely keep doing them, if nothing else, for the camaraderie alone. I always go to them with the expectation that my money spent doing the show is entertainment. I don't expect to buy or sell anything so I am never disappointed. I guess I am fortunate, every single show I have ever done has been great (from my point of view). best regards
Leon Luckey
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