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Old 02-08-2012, 09:26 AM
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ramram ramram is offline
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Default 1905 Scorebook with Negro Cuban X-Giants games and All-Cubans game

For those interested in the early Negro teams, I picked this up recently -

Team scorebook for a local NJ team which includes dozens of scored games including two against the negro “Cuban X-Giants” team and also one game against the “All-Cuban” team.

The Cuban X-Giants team, none of whom were actually Cuban, was one of the power house black teams at the turn of the century. In 1905 they became the first black team to beat a Major League team (7-2 over the Brooklyn NL team).

The All-Cuban’s team was the first Latin American traveling team to tour the United States and featured several Cuban Hall of Fame players. It was also a racially integrated team featuring future Major League players Rafael Almeida (aka Almeyda) and Armando Marsans as well as Negro League star Luis Bustamante. Cuban Hall of Famers on this team were; Luis Bustamante, Rafael Almeida, Emilio Palomino, Regino Garcia, Heliodoro Hidalgo, Armando Marsans and Alfredo Cabrera.

Rob M.

Spalding Scorebook Cover.jpg

X-Giants 1.jpg

X-Giants 2.jpg

All Cubans.jpg
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