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Old 01-19-2012, 08:08 AM
Orioles1954 Orioles1954 is offline
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Originally Posted by rainier2004 View Post
Ill go with a disagree here. I started collecting in 1984, NES was introduced in 1986 and I had time for both. Eventually the video games won, but it sounds like most of us put the cards down around 14-16 for a few years anyway.
Packs should be 50 cents each with 15-20 cards in them and MLB should subsidize the cost if necessary. The future to ANYTHING is children, not middle-aged men. Cards introduce the sport unlike anything else. The other big thing is 9pm playoff games? They need to be earlier so kids can watch and see them end!
Every year a card company tries to "go back to the roots" and issues a low-end 50 cents-$1 product with multiple cards and every year it fails. Kids aren't dumb. If they are one of the very few who are inclined toward cardboard, they certainly will want to buy something with possibilities. Baseball has lost its luster (thanks Selig). Those who still collect are more apt for something that is the new national pastime (the NFL). Upper Deck is starting to produce college football cards which I think could be a brilliant idea if done right. Kids are just done with MLB and I don't blame them.
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