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Old 01-09-2012, 05:57 PM
Fuddjcal Fuddjcal is offline
Chuck Tapia
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 2,114

and why we're at it Travis, lest us not forget the one of the true blue scammers of the "rubber stamper" scammers brigade, Mr Christopher MoralASS, Forensic Cheater F'er. Ace is not the place for the helpful Autograph man.

And I thought It was bad being the lowly Mantle collector....Imagine what it would be like to be a Pathetic Joe Mauer expert!!!!!

How about "almost" 1 good year and a cloud of dust. Talk about an overrated piece of dung! He might get that career HR total up to 50 before it's all said and done. That's if the stinkin bum can actually stay on the field for a season.

Fudd is Now an expert in Felix Millan and Stan Javier....Send all your Felix Millan's to me for authentication and you'll get a free Jullian Javier. I'll throw in a Manny Sanguillen, which I am also an expert if you act now.....

They must just be lining up around the block with the Fake Mauers...LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Haven't had a belly laugh in regards to Autographs in along time.

The state of affairs are just so gross, look for Fudd to Unload his entire collection this year, just so I don't have to follow this sorry B>S anymore.

I have to go take a growler now, because that's what this hobby is.... a big ice cream soft serve pile of dog cr**.
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