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Old 01-07-2012, 10:11 AM
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frohme frohme is offline
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Originally Posted by Tim Kindler View Post
I'm a singles guy. I love the thrill of the hunt. I have put my E98 set together 1 card at a time and it is almost done. It is such a rush when I get a new card for my set!

Of course, I have no choice but to build my sets 1 card at a time! I would never be able to affordall the cards at one time!!!
Generally I'm exactly the same, Tim. Though I've found that small groups of cards go a long way to help the journey go by faster (and more affordably) the level of appreciation for the individual cards gets lost when they all come in together.

The same thing happened for me when I was collecting multiple things (e.g. T207, E-cards, Pirates), even with only one card at a time. I needed a singular focus to keep the appreciation and interest.

-- Mike

Last edited by frohme; 01-07-2012 at 10:13 AM. Reason: Grammar
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