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Old 11-09-2011, 09:43 PM
travrosty travrosty is offline
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Originally Posted by Fuddjcal View Post
It would be great if these top authenticators would do this. They think they above reproach, but they are wrong. If the whack jobs that are ANL are interested in a fix, they ought to go back to their rising son Christopher Moral Less and get him to fix his exemplar files too, don't you think.....or is he just a scammer himself? Agree whole heartedly that JSA and PSA should do better at correcting their horrendous mistakes. I have stated in the past, if they don't get better, they will go the way of The GAI Global Bird. They’re almost there, but Moral Ass has jumped the shark so far he is above repair.

What makes me laugh like hell, is when industry giants like Muellar & Koschall say that "they have never seen Morales work” to judge if he is a walking boob or not? Or “good for Chris”, like he’s magical Chris Kringel or something. They are sticking up for a guy who has rarely got an autograph right. He has never had Mickey Mantle correct. I bet dollars to donunts more people are looking to buy Mantle than Gropo the robot or whoever that boxing guy is?

I have an about checking it out and knowing your industry completely as you state you do (Muellar & Koschal), instead of being skirt boys and skirting the issue? Or they love to use the same line Fryingpangiani used to use..."someone stole my certs or they are fake certs". LOLOLOLOLOLOL

The whole industry is a laughing joke and will continue to be so until guys like Moral Less is in jail or at least done with his rubber stamping everything fake as genuine. Maybe he should admit his mistakes? JSA & PSA need to tighten up their business model too or they will falter and go out of business, but there is little comparison to the 2 issues. Both are bad. When ANL and their wack job band of 3 get on board they might actually have some credibility, until then not so much

One of the dumbest things i have ever heard.

It's not gropo the robot, it's luis firpo. you are practicing elitism.

Put the exact quotes where people defend morales. show me. Don't just talk in generalities.

you are right, there is little comparison to the two issues. what the huge comapnies are doing will drag down the hobby. Morales is a known quantity.
How many Morales autos do you own, how many psa or jsa? answer it.

'Tighten it up'. Really? That's all they need to do, tighten it up a bit?

Tighten up the lug nuts? The wheel fell off 9 miles ago and we have been sparking on the rims since then gouging up the asphalt. But hey, they are doing great, right? Just tighten it up a bit. How about a total revamp from the top down?

You really don't know what's going on do you? You can't see past Morales. As long as there is Morales, other companies can't anything wrong? Where do I defend Morales? go ahead and show me.

Why are you turning my post above into a mueller and koschal discussion? it was my post about these companies and Morales, not theirs. All the sudden mueller and koschal come up. what's that have to do with anything? I don't speak on ANL's behalf, not here or when i post on ANL. It's a place to go and blog. There is no ANL view on things. It's a blog, just like there is no net54 view on things. I see you have posted on ANL. Are you a skirt boy too? Or do you have your own independent views and voice. Just like me, just like Mueller, just like Koschal, just like anybody. Show me a specific quote. You don't have one.

Did you see my other thread about a Tom Sayers boxing autograph with LOA's written up then pulled by these companies because I guess you need exemplars to issue an LOA?

10 dollar mantle photos are a problem but not the big fish. Why do you need judgments from other people on morales? Everybody knows Morales and his work. Morales is used as a smokescreen to take the heat off of other entities.

Criticism for abc, xyz companies. "MORALES"!!!! Total up all questionable items you have seen from morales and put a $ amount on them. then do the same with abc, xyz.
Compare the two numbers, not even close.

gropo the robot (elitism) had nearly a 400 dollar bid. It didn't have a morales cert.

Last edited by travrosty; 11-09-2011 at 11:55 PM.
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