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Old 08-29-2011, 08:20 PM
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Drew Ekb@ck
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: NE Georgia
Posts: 1,425

Part (or most) of collecting as a hobby is nostalgia. To look back and have a "feeling" of satisfaction from owning a certain card or cards. I think part of the "warm fuzzy" feeling you might get is the memory of how you aquired it because it adds to the memory.
There have been many threads on sentamental value of collections and I think it is worthy in discussion of one's own persoanl collection. However, as far as resale value for the most part none of this matters. If something were to happen to me and my collection was sold off in an estate sale no one will care that my mom bought me this card as a kid or my wife bought me that one for our first Christmas.
Just my thoughts.
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