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Old 08-14-2011, 07:05 AM
Rich Klein Rich Klein is offline
Rich Klein
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Plano Tx
Posts: 4,523
Default The saddest thing to realize

is that we are all dinosaurs to some extent and the world has changed.

For many reasons, some of which should be self-evident such as the tecnology explosion of recent years, the ability to watch baseball on a cable baseball network and some economic reasons, the dream of having a simple base set will no longer come true.

I ran into a fomrer compatroit of mine from Beckett at Walmart yesterday and during the course of our conversation he explained to me the simple exonomic reality of the sets we all want are economic losers and the only winners for the companies are the expensive sets built around the collector/investor (My term ther) getting "Hits" from the box

We can talk all we want, but as James said earlier, unless WE actively support the products of the world such as Topps Total (I loved that product for everyone was in that product) and Upper Deck tried with something titled like Upper Deck 40 which featured every player on the 40 man rosters. They both sat on shelves and did not sell as well as we would have hoped.

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