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Old 07-13-2011, 04:12 PM
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Phil Nap
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Posts: 181

Originally Posted by David Atkatz View Post
The Yankee organization is interested in one thing, and one thing only.
Making money.
Winning is a means to that end. Buying historical Yankee memorabilia is not.
As Cashman says, baseball is a business. Anyone on this board has more of an interest--much more--in Yankee history and tradition, than the owners do.
(In fact, the owners have none.)
That would all be fine with me, if they didn't constantly proclaim otherwise.
"Pride and pinstripes," the cathedral of baseball," etc. Bullshit.
How else would you expect them to promote their business? Their history is their biggest asset and they would be fools not to exploit it. Whether they genuinely embrace it or not. Sure the Steiner commercials and emails immediately after the 3000th hit are tacky but this is the world we live in. Why take it personal?
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