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Old 06-20-2011, 04:53 PM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,349

I simply cannot select from just one sport. So, just some random picks, but sincere nonetheless:

Baseball: Ty Cobb, Lefty Grove, Jackie Robinson

Hockey: skating away from the goons, I would select Maurice "Rocket" Richard and Bobby Hull. Also, I have to totally agree with the gent who mentioned Bobby Orr. I was blessed to see him play against my Black Hawks during his rookie year. He was all over the place, giving the last-place Bruins a fighting chance against what was probably the best Hawk team in history. Chicago won that game, 6-3, I believe, but Orr scored and no doubt intimidated everyone he faced. All my junior high classmates and I adored Bobby, though we were from the Chicago suburbs. He wasn't much older than us yet he was already a major star. As Orr's career flourished, he obviously became more and more intimidating, just as happened with Richard and Hull.

Horse Racing: Secretariet

Cycling: IF ALL the key players were indeed on some sort of PEDS over the last 10 years, Lance Armstrong rides up the mountain alone, demoralizing everyone's resolve behind him. Before drugs or whatever, Belgian Eddy Merkx would be my selection as the most intimidating, ferocious rival.

Speed Skating: While his Olympic stardom was limited to one Olympiad, imagine what EVERY speed skater at the 1980 Olympics must have felt when they had to go head-to-head with Eric Heiden! As for the ladies, Bonnie Blair rules( My Bonnie lies over the ocean, my Bonnie...).

Wrestling: American Dan Gable, as well as ANY teams he coached!

Long Distance Running: Vladimir Kuts, Russia (1956), Emil Zatopek (1948, 1952), Herb Elliott (1960), Lasse Viren (1972, 1976), and with the exception of the '72 Olympics, American Steve Prefontaine. None of them except PRE had an "attitude"; however, it was the way in which all of them raced their opponents that struck great fear. Tactically, they would break you apart! You did not want to race them, but you had to.

Automobile Racing: Tazio Nuvolari, Jose Froilan "Fathead" Gonzales, Juan Manuel Fangio, Sir Stirling Moss, Jim Clark, Mario Andretti, Jacky Ickx and by all means, Michael Schumacher!

Cheers. --Brian Powell

Last edited by brian1961; 06-25-2011 at 11:22 AM. Reason: needed to put a word in caps for emphasis
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