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Old 04-24-2011, 08:03 PM
Jmad Jmad is offline
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Posts: 96

Originally Posted by ibuysportsephemera View Post
Scott, I seriously doubt that I have shot my self in the foot. My feedback is perfect and I acknowledge in my follow up post that I might have made a mistake. I started the thread because my impression is that there are more buyers than sellers on NET54 and I trust the members opinions. I thought that perhaps I didn't handle the situation correctly and it seems that I probably didn't. I knew going in that I was opening myself up to possible criticism and accepted it. If you or someone else wants to hold that against me, nothing I can do about it now.

This and you prior post has changed my mind as a "prospective buyer" of yours. I thought it was a strange thread in the first place for the very reason you could be alienating yourself. Maybe this was just a good outlet for you to vent a bit (based on what sounds like some prior experiences). I appreciate you being open to some criticism and not responding in a defensive manner, which is how I assumed your follow posts would read.

Nice to see this may actually be of some benefit rather than a back and forth argument.

I can say as a buyer that hasn't amassed one tenth the knowledge of many on this board, I request back scans, etc. pretty regularly. If the scan is to my liking I place a bid, if not I don't. If the seller fails to respond or says he does not provide them then I move along. I have 74 saved sellers on Ebay and always check their listings first.

Have a great night and good luck going forward.
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