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Old 03-18-2011, 12:40 PM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
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Originally Posted by Exhibitman View Post
What I find objectionable are:

--The incessant lying over the changes. It would be so refreshing not to feel like Winston Smith every time Ebay announces one of its new initiatives. Just once, I'd like to see them say something like "we're charging on shipping now because a bunch of jackholes in Taiwan are charging $35 to ship a $5 item and we'd like a slice of that action."

I think the last one is what annoys me the most.

Maybe some "Buy It Now" sellers who don't mind letting stuff sit for decades don't mind the changes.

I already have two websites that do that for me...............and they don't change the rules, up my rates, force me to renew my listings every month and charging me again for every item in my store.......... and then ask me to continually fiddle with my listings every time somebody in management gets an itch on their brain.

For people who run true auctions............this is a huge rate hike. There is no form of math that can say otherwise.

You can bet this will lead to shoddy packaging from Ebay sellers trying to cut costs........... and increased use and abuse of Media Mail, which seems to be getting slower and slower by the year.

This certainly is not an advantage to the buyer, which Ebay claims it to be.

Ebay logic - Lets raise the sellers shipping expenses in order to cut the buyers costs. Oh, and we'll fool the sellers into thinking they're getting a great deal by cutting their final value fees by 1% on items under $50.............and hope they don't notice all fees are actually going up for items over $50.

Oh, not to mention the carrot of "Top Seller" discounts and the discontinuation of the PowerSeller discount, they seem to be really proud of.
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