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Old 02-27-2011, 06:24 PM
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Jeffrey Lichtman
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Originally Posted by Leon View Post
My understanding, though I could be mistaking a bit, was that they had the first meeting of around 25 hand selected hobby folks at the last National (I wasn't included, darn the luck) and Marshall spoke about the Association to be formed. It was truly going to clean up the hobby!! I think they were supposed to come up with around 140k to start the thing. I believe they only fell about 140k short. Also, those hand selected folks were supposed to spread the word (it was spread all over me) and then bring every one back for the second meeting. After rounding ALL interested parties up, and regrouping, they had less than they started with. I sort of think that is how it ended up, with a thud.....
But there was stationary! And impotent threats!
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