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Old 02-11-2011, 09:30 PM
BillyCoxDodgers3B BillyCoxDodgers3B is offline
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Originally Posted by Gary Dunaier View Post
If memory serves me right, the story was that Halper arranged for DiMaggio to "come along for the ride" while giving someone a tour of his collection. DiMaggio grudgingly agreed as long as there was no press. So when DiMaggio found out a reporter from Sports Collectors Digest was also going to be on the tour, he left - and from that moment Halper was on DiMaggio's permanent s***list.
IIRC, baseball card manufacturer Score conducted a draw. Lucky winners were to go on an intimate tour of the Halper collection with Joltin' Joe "as host". It was strongly stipulated that DiMaggio would NOT be signing any autographs during the event. SCD (or Tough Stuff, I think) did have someone there to cover the event. I recall reading that article, but no mention was made of the falling out. Perhaps this is when it happened, however.
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