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Old 02-05-2011, 09:57 PM
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Edward F.
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Sasebo, Japan
Posts: 66
Default I agree 100%

As I go through the BIN prices on ebay trying to find cards for my PSA 7 or better '56 set I run across a lot of these.

One dealer in particular I have noticed that has the BIN at ungodly high prices. In fact their prices are so high it should be considered illegal to list them. These cards are on ebay for years and years. It seems that they will never take the listing down.

I am not sure what their thinking is, perhaps its the hope that someone who doesn't know anything about collecting and the true/fair market price of the items listed would come by and hit the BIN button on one of their listings. However, there will always be those collectors that don't have the patience to wait for a card they need and hit the high BIN.

I usually avoid these type of dealers like the plague even when they have the only card currently on ebay that I need. I figured eventually someone else will list the card that I need at a more reasonable priced. .

This is just my humble opinion and from my experience from buying on Ebay.
1955 Topps PSA 7 or better Completed
1956 Topps PSA 7 or better 154/342 or 45.03% complete. Project started Jan 2009

Last edited by T205; 02-05-2011 at 10:03 PM. Reason: spell check
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