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Old 01-30-2011, 03:45 PM
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Scott Garner Scott Garner is offline
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Originally Posted by IronHorse2130 View Post
I've always wanted to add one of these to my collection. It surprises me just how many I have seen come up for sale. It seems like there is always an example in Huggins and Scott, Heritage, Mile High and the other catalogs. I've also seen quite a few listed on eBay. Does it seem odd that so many have survived the years?
IMHO, it's a World Series game- lots and lots of people in attendance (almost 50,000), and it's 1932, not 1903.

My experience is that many of the patrons hung on to tickets and programs from World Series games. Much more so than to regular season games.
One additional note, from collecting tickets for over 38 years I can tell you that fans from both NY and Chicago always saved ephemera, wheras this is not true in other sports towns for whatever reason. If something occurs in NY or Chicago it will eventually always turn up in the hobby.

Items that normally get squirreled away in peoples collections tend to surface when the economy is in a down cycle like recently....
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