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Old 01-14-2011, 11:25 AM
wpeters wpeters is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 95

Thanks for the comments, I really appreciate it.

IronHorse2130: I have a Spalding Basketball Guide from 1910-1911 that shows an ad for a closed basket, so it was almost 20 years that this was in effect. During games they had a man with a pole to poke the ball back out after a made basket. My thinking is that after 20 years he just got tired.

GKreindler: When Connie was inducted into the Hall, I naturally went to see him. When he arrived at the hotel and was going though the lobby, I asked him for his autograph and just gushed like a 12 year old school girl.

The next day I was waiting for the autograph session to start and I hear this voice behind me asking, "Do you have anything for me to sign?" It was indeed Connie and I was slightly more composed and we talked for a few minutes about his career. He was very gracious and happy to talk.

It is great when your hero turns out to be a good guy as well.
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