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Old 12-13-2010, 07:20 AM
tedzan tedzan is offline
Ted Zanidakis
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Pennsylvania & Maine
Posts: 10,053
Default Reflections on 30 years of the Philly Show

Great stuff Rob......thanks much for sharing the Spring Garden show sign and program with us.

Mark Macrae was a regular visitor to the Willow Grove show during the 1980's. We met at my table in March 1983. I was selling a 1949 Bowman
set, and Mark was a buyer. I recall, we agreed to me keeping the Phillies and Yankees cards; and, the rookie cards of Bob Lemon, Satchel Paige,
Preacher Roe, and Duke Snider (autographed). So, Mark purchased 200 (of the 240) cards in this set. Subsequently, I sold him 5 more 1949 sets.

This story of Mark and I is best summed up by quoting Claude Raines famous words to Humphrey Bogart in the final scene of Casablanca......
"I think Ricky, this is the start of a beautiful friendship"

One more comment on Mark....that day in March 1983, the snow was falling in Willow Grove, yet Mark was in his Summer shorts. He always wore
his short pants to the show, regardless of the weather.
As they say......You can take Mark out of California....but, you can't take that California style out of Mark.

Best regards,
Mark and Rob,

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