Thread: Morales!!!!!
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Old 11-25-2010, 09:29 AM
Fuddjcal Fuddjcal is offline
Chuck Tapia
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 2,117

and thats why unsuspecting morons on e-bay have so much for sale @ Christmas right now. These people selling this stuff are pathetic forms of life. Knowing or not. At some point a normal person would ask themselves if these are real? Hello Self, who is Birdsick? Should I Google Birdsick, Should I google Morales? Should I just keep on being a stupid idiot? But PEOPLE ARE STUPID , and thats one thing you can always count on. When you have 50% of all High School age students not graduating High School, you have a problem that lingers. Legal Morons Everywhere and buying and selling Birdsick is an easy scam to pull off. No enforcement from anyone anywhere. A perfect crime.

I think it's time to change my e-bay I.D to "BirdsickRocks"., buy some Birdsick, and give it a go!!!!Nobody's watching and I've been thinking, you are all wrong about Birdsick. Remember what "Tony P. Says " Mantle loved Birdsick when he met him".
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