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Old 10-23-2010, 08:13 PM
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Jim VB
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Originally Posted by arexcrooke View Post
You are the kind of person that has to put down others to make themselves feel better. The kind of person that has to toss in people's face what you have and what you do and what you say the other does not have.
In short you are a great big piece of self-aggrandizing shit.
It doesnt matter where I received my degrees from. It does not matter what I do or how much money I make. At the end of the day I can lay my head down to sleep feeling good that I feel I have made a positive impact on society.
It does not matter where you went to school. It does not matter how much money you make. What matters is if you leave the world a better place than you found it. I can and I do it everyday, and I can do that without having to talk down to others. Can you say that? I doubt it.
It seems you sell cards. I would not buy air in a jug from you if you were giving it away. Your attitude is an affront to decency. If I had to bet I would say you are, deep down, an insecure and rootless individual, and I have no use for you.

New guy = Tilting at windmills

Jim Van Brunt
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