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Old 10-23-2010, 04:25 AM
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Scott Garner Scott Garner is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Default Texas Rangers win the American League pennant!!

Congrats to the the Texas Rangers!! What an incredible year for this franchise. They were technically bankrupt, yet emerged in the second half of the year with new ownership led my Texas HOF'er and pitching legend Nolan Ryan. Snatching key players Vlady Guerrrero, Cliff Lee and Benjie Molina were master strokes of genius by the Rangers' GM Jon Daniels.

They played with a sense of urgency and left the New York Yankees eating their dust!

I completely respect the pitching staffs of the Giants and the Phillies, but I sense a possible upset in this years World Series!

I predict the Texas Rangers in 6 or 7 games!!

Go Rangers!
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