bubble mailer
A bubble mailer just doesn't cut it for a graded card. You need to sandwich the slab between two heavy pieces of cardboard, then put the whole works in the bubble mailer. The mailer alone doesn't provide any protection for the plastic slab without additional reinforcement.
Marking the package "fragile" is fine. The acceptance clerk will handle it gently, and the delivery person will handle it gently, but the machines along the way that process thousands of parcels per hour may damage the card. Also, the way that local Post Offices receive parcels in the morning can also contribute to damage. We receive several large hampers, some of them with hundreds of the small parcels that are mixed in with larger parcels sitting on top and that small parcel on the bottom may have several hundred pounds of mail sitting on top of it.
Rick McQuillan
T213-2 139 down 46 to go.
Last edited by buymycards; 10-07-2010 at 05:46 PM.