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Old 05-30-2010, 03:45 PM
William Todd William Todd is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 274
Default T207- Strange Set

Mike, Congratulations on completing the T207 set. I know that you really were committed to the task. I too enjoyed Tim and Bob's aritcle in VCBC and it helped me to complete the set, except for Lewis " No Emblem". I even got crazy and tried to complete the Broadleaf class in all three or four possible backs. Try the Recruit class cards in Factory 240 PA, Factory 606 MD, and then an Anonymous 3 for the rarer Recruits, and then the Napoleons. The set has as many twists, not quite, as T206. Certainly the rarity of some is extreme beyond belief. I recently had a friend of a client come to me with 275 T206's that her father had collected and was able to view them and handle them and it was quite an experience. If only they were T207's in original form!
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