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Old 05-27-2010, 11:21 PM
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Jim D
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 1,000

I dont see anything wrong with what Brett is doing, there is now demand for a card based on the assumption it is Joe Jax, so guys want in. If the guy has two, and everyone wants to get there hands on it, why not, i am sure most of you would do it as well. Same as the three that were snapped up via BIN.

Right now there is more demand then card and if i had an extra and people wanted it, i would follow suit as well.

You guys are way over reacting. He is only making this move because people are bugging him to sell it. I dont think he hyped it to sell a spare, i think he simply wanted people's opinion and on this board, there are some very weighty opinions, and some real experts. How is a newbie going to know his first post would be a 400 post thread.

We need to stop looking for the negative in the situation and find the positive. He helped identify a new Joe Jax card and no one is forcing you to bid on it!!!!
"There is no such thing as over educated!

It is better to be quiet and thought of as a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt!!
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