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Old 05-26-2010, 10:19 AM
benjulmag benjulmag is offline
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Posts: 754

Originally Posted by brett View Post
Leon, it's as definitive as it's going to get brother. Glad I was able to contribute something worthy to your board. Sorry to everybody else for coming accross like an asshole lately, but I knew I was right when I first posted this. Thanks to the help of other people on here it's now as evident as evident can be. If somebody is still saying "no" right now they're either blind, stubborn, or in denial (possibly all of the above) in which case their credibility has just gone right down the crapper.

I'm not sure why as this thread has progessed you see the need to go to arrogant and condescending.

A significant number of board members have opined that in their view it very possibly might be Jackson, in fact likely is him, but there exists a reasonable possibility it is not. In fact, this view arguably reflects the stated consensus of this board. I hope that view is not a "no" by your way of looking of things, because if so I think it's a bit disrespectful to characterize so many board member as "blind, stubborn or in denial." In regard to your phrases "it's as definitive as it's going to get"/it's now as evident as evident can be", clearly it is not. I think most of us would feel that finding this same image in a newspaper archive with a period annotation entitled "Jackson out at third" would make the ID significantly more definitive.
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