Thread: April Pickups
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Old 04-12-2010, 08:47 PM
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perezfan perezfan is offline
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Thanks... I had a feeling it was a good one! Has to be one of the best surviving examples too, as it has just nominal wear with no real condition flaws.

Regarding the question of how to score anything other than an Out or Home Run, Dr. Cooper was kind enough to reply to my inquiry, as follows...

"I remember that this game had either outs as you alluded to, home runs up the ramps and off the playing field, and a single if it stopped rolling and was not an out.

This was the competitor and precursor to Mather's game.

Great graphics and 100 years old

hope that helps

enjoy the game"


.... So now I'm curious to see Mather's Game.... can anyone post an example?
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