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Old 03-25-2010, 11:47 AM
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Todd Schultz
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Phoenix
Posts: 3,775

I have no problem with the concept Bruce proposes--it is essentially already done by PSA on an annual basis, although with the obvious tie-in to their products. However, that right there might explain why I am doubtful it would work here.

The collecting mentality is for the most part different here. Although there is certainly no shortage of cutthroat competition among us for cards we want, there is still a general sense of collegiality by which we appreciate all collections, large or small, niche or general, high condition or no, graded or not. I get the distinct impression that those with the "greatest" collections here do not want to be recognized in that way, and do not need to be. I also would bet that in saying so, I am preaching to the choir.

Many here might think it elitist, but I have no objection to recognizing and acknowledging those collectors whose contributions and/or collections are exemplary. I also have no problem doing that privately and without ceremony. Makes no nevermind to me.
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