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Old 03-20-2010, 03:34 PM
Hankphenom Hankphenom is offline
Hank Thomas
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 2,592
Default Dan McKee? Holy Walter Card, Batman!

Glad to hear you're OK, Joe, missed you last time. We have much to discuss, my friend. And welcome to beautiful Chantilly, Mr. McKee. I don't know what we did to deserve you coming south, but whatever it is I hope it's not the last time. I think everybody on the board going to the show should buy at least one card from Dan just to keep him coming back. Except me, I'm not a card guy and therefore exempt from my rule, but I will give him a great big hug unless he pays me not to. Anyway, it's been getting lonelier and lonelier for us vintage guys out there lately, but maybe the tide can actually shift back our way. Many thanks to you, Joe, for pumping things up, maybe we don't have to just sit back and witness the demise of the vintage show after all.
Hank Thomas
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