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Old 02-14-2010, 05:43 AM
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Theoldprofessor Theoldprofessor is offline
John Manning
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 307

Ironically, many progressives think a scrappy minimum wage steel-worker in Homestead PA deserves equal coverage to the Titans of Industry Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, et al.

Both of my grandfathers were "scrappy minimum wage steel workers" in Homestead, PA. That masterful "titan of industry," Mr. Andrew Carnegie, was in part responsible for the 1892 disaster in Homestead, though he ran off to Scotland before the thing came to a head, leaving one Henry Clay Frick to do pretty much what he wanted. Result -- 10 dead and Carnegie's legacy permanently damaged. He returned from vacation after the strike ended. No, I think the more coverage those Titans receive, the better off we all are.

Sorry for the interrruption. Back to baseball. As far as I know, Ford Frick and Henry Clay Frick were not in any way related.

Last edited by Theoldprofessor; 02-14-2010 at 07:41 PM. Reason: hit the send button before I should have.
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