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Old 02-02-2010, 04:24 PM
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perezfan perezfan is offline
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Thanks MZM55... I have emailed Mark Macrae for clarification. I'll post what he says if he replies, and does not post anything here himself.

So the 2 confirmed examples include the one everyone saw on Ebay last June (without the key), and this one (which I believe is the same as Jon's).

Have there been any others sighted? If this is really a "fantasy piece", why would there not be more than 2 out there? A padlock of this type had to be extremely expensive to cast and produce, and you'd think that more would surface if this was a recent production. A Google search also revealed only those two. It seems neither logical nor profitable for whoever would have taken the time and expense to create these.

Eager to hear what Mark M. says, as I will pursue a refund if he has definitive/damning information... thanks!

Last edited by perezfan; 02-02-2010 at 05:03 PM.
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