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Old 12-29-2009, 10:08 AM
ctownboy ctownboy is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 973


I somewhat disagree. Like I said before, I am 42 and could count at least 10 other guys just from my graduating clas who collected cards in middle school. But ALL of them stopped collecting by the time they were 18 and I doubt they have started collecting again even though they probably have children of their own right now.

One guy I know did NOT start collecting again because he died years ago and he was the one who had the best collection of all of us (his Dad gave him his cards he had collected in the 1950's).

Also, people my age are stuck. When we were born there weren't many of us to begin with. Look at the population reports and you will seee there is a bottleneck between the Baby Boomers and the Gen X'ers. I and people my age, am stuck in that bottleneck.

For the most part, we had to wait for the better jobs because the Baby Boomers were still alive and working. Look at the Fortune 500 companies and the people at the top of those companies. Look at their ages. How many 40 to 45 years olds do you see? Not many. Those companies are still led by people 50 and older. Lower down the chain of command you will find people my age but you will also find plenty of Boomers there also.

So, there weren't many of us to begin with and we have been stuck, as far as advancing to the top levels of business. This means our incomes haven't been as high as the generation before us, the ones who are now at the top of the business chain and who are the whales.

Then there is the Gen X'ers behind us. The people who not only knew how to use computers but who also knew how to build them and write code for them. They are the ones who started the tech companies and who made the big bucks. Not many people my age are on the list of tech company founders.

Look at the ages of the guys who started Youtube and Face Book. They are younger than me and worth a heck of a lot more money than me. I seriously doubt they are into collecting baseball cards.

This is why I am pessimistic about "whales" my age or younger emerging in the baseball card collecting market. There are either less people they can develop from (my generation) or the larger group (Gen X) is interested in other things.
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